There are several things you need to know about when choosing the time of day to have your outdoor portrait session.  So what are the best times?  Either early in the morning. The session should be finished by 9:00 a.m.  The next best time is about an hour or so before sunset.  If you are doing your portrait session on the beach we can some really amazing images for you around that time of day.  Let's say for instance you'd like to have your session in the park?  If there is plenty of shading then time of day is not an issue.

What should you wear?  We can certainly discuss this when you contact us.  Some things to keep in mind though is that no one in the photograph should "clash" with their clothing choices.  No logos on shirts or stripes.  Ignoring this tends to bring attention to what you are wearing and not you!  Color choices?  Some of our best sessions are with people wearing black and white, white shirts and blue jeans, khaki colors.

Remember that if you are having a beach session chances are the wind could possibly "mess" up your hair.   Don't stress.  Your beach session is meant to be fun and relaxing.

If we are going to the beach be prepared to get sand on your clothes!  Chances are you will be sitting on the sand and possibly walking through the water.

These are just a few tips for you outdoor portrait session.  Contact us for some other details  and to make your appointment.  nelsonphotographers@gmail.com 